Monday, January 30, 2012

541 Reading Responses 1 through 6

RR1: IDENTIFY research-based instructional strategies from the “Focus On” articles that you can use in your ITU.

The “Focus On” series of articles examines the reasons behind the achievement gap for six groups based on race, social class, and gender. The articles highlight the barriers to learning and success faced by these groups and provides strategies to assist them in achieving a higher rate of success in our schools. As part of the reading response, I identified several strategies that I could use in my ITU to assist these groups in my class.

Blacks: Historically, African Americans have not been provided with role models or examples of African American people who have made significant contributions to world civilization. By finding Black role models in our themed area, we can provide a way that they can connect to the ITU project. Additionally, it is important to maintain the same high standards for African American students as we do for all students. Our expectations for their performance should be just as high as they would be for any other student in the class.

Hispanics: Many Hispanic students are still English language learners, so it is imperative that I use SDAIE strategies to help boost their use and understanding of the English language throughout my lessons. Additionally, like the African American population, providing cultural significance to the projects will help them connect and have interest in the schooling. So, I will need to find ways to connect the history or work performed at the lagoon in a way that is significant to my Hispanic students. Finally, cooperative learning strategies greatly benefit Hispanic students. I will include many instances where the students can work in groups either on long-term projects or during in class activities.

Asians and Pacific Islanders: One of the problems that faces this very diverse group of individuals, is that they are often lumped into a single category. It is important as teachers that we recognize that this group represents many different groups of people with very different cultures, languages, and learning needs. It will be very important for me to assess each of my students from these groups individually and find ways to connect their cultural and linguistic needs to the program.

American Indians and Alaskan Natives: As with many of these other groups, it is important to continue to use SDAIE and other language building strategies in the class to assist these students with their English language development. Additionally, it is crucial to find ways to connect the learning with the native language, culture and history of these groups. Fortunately, there is a history of Native American activity at the lagoons, and we can integrate this history into our lessons. Additionally, Native Americans and Alaskan Natives perform better where teachers and students work together rather than the more traditional form of education where the teacher is the leader and in full control of the class and curriculum. The ITU process involves a great deal of student involvement in the decisions and planning of the instructional process. I believe this format will work well for the Native American and Alaskan Native students.

LGBT: One of the largest obstacles facing this group is the lack of physical and emotional safety at school. When these students do not feel safe, they cannot succeed. As a teacher, I need to ensure that safety by quickly addressing any bullying or negative remarks about individuals in this group of students. Further, even when remarks are not specifically aimed at an individual, I will need to assist all students in understanding that derogatory remarks are hurtful regardless of the intended audience, and will not be allowed in my class or the school.

Girls: Girls need to see positive role models in science and technology, areas where they have been absent in the past. Too often, textbooks and other resources have referred to men in these roles and girls have been unable to see themselves in these roles and careers. This is a struggle that I have had some personal experience with as a female scientist working in a male dominated field. I hope that I can be a positive example for the girls in my class and show them that women can and do find success in many science and technology fields. I can also make sure that the resources in our room focus on the success of women and minorities in these areas.

 RR2: COMPLETE Activities 7.1 & 7.2, pgs. 172-173 from Baldwin, Keating and Bachman with your groups.

These will be completed in my CHS study group. We will be meeting on Wednesday, February 1st to brain storm on our ITU assignment.

RR3: MAKE a list or highlight models & resources to share with your ITU team. Bring hard copy to next class meeting.

A hard copy was brought to class. In addition, our group will be meeting on Wednesday, February 1st after class to further discuss and plan our ITU. At that meeting, I would like to explore ways that we can simulate student input into our ITU. Also, I would like to discuss the ways we would launch our unit as well as ways we could have culminating final project. Finally, I would like to discuss the local resources available to us and how we can use those resources, maybe through an actual or virtual field trip, having access to experts at the lagoons, or even requiring some volunteer time at the lagoons (volunteer time is required by the high school to graduate).

RR4: IDENTIFY what tasks you would be well skilled at leading and contributing to for the ITU assignment.

I believe that I would be well skilled at:
·      Developing the theme and activities that can be used around that theme,
·      Finding resources and ways to integrate those resources into instruction,
·      Connecting activities and learning experiences of the theme to state standards,
·      Differentiating the activities and products to meet the learning needs of my students.

RR5: As a school team, IDENTIFY a theme for your ITU and SHARE ideas and a draft for a Cover Sheet with you ITU team.

We meet briefly during class, when we were able to select our theme of conservation of the lagoons in Carlsbad. We will be meeting again on Wednesday, February 1st and we will be able to share more ideas on a draft cover as well as roles and ways we can integrate this theme.

RR6:  CREATE a Personal Learning Network (PLN).

Though the work that I have begun in our classes, I have begun to create my PLN. I have set up a twitter account, personal blog, as well as a Diigo account. I am especially excited about using the Diigo account and want to explore resources in my subject area through other’s bookmarks. I think this will be an invaluable tool.