RR7: Identify the key elements and process for Service Learning
Kaye defines service learning as “a way to connect school based curriculum with the inherent caring and concern young people have for this world.” They listed for stages necessary for successful implementation of the ITU: preparation, action, reflection and demonstration.
· Preparation. In the preparation stage, the teacher and students will work together to identify a need. This process may involve internet research, field trips, and/or input from community members. During this process the students are using active learning and critical thinking to understand the problem and all of the underlying factors that are contributing to the problem. Also included in the process phase are identifying and planning the action stage.
· Action. The action stage is where the students carry out their plans, applying what they have learned, to direct benefit of the community. The action phase can take place over the entire year, or maybe just a day. Students will use their own talents and skills to produce real results in their communities. These actions will provide them with a deeper understanding of their community their place within the community.
· Reflection. The reflection stage helps the students turn their learning and experiences from the planning and action stages into personal growth and awareness through self examination and reflection. Reflection allows the students to take the time away from the academics and explore how their actions will affect their future. Reflection allows students to put cognitive, social and emotional aspects of the service learning into larger concepts of self, community and the world.
· Demonstration. The demonstration is the way the students show evidence of what they have learned and accomplished through the project. This may be expressed through a presentation, performance, display or other means to show their mastery and understanding of the project.
Several key elements are also highlighted by Kaye, and are outlined below:
· Integrated learning: the service and the curriculum are woven into each other so that each supports the other and together they create an enriched learning experience.
· Genuine needs: the project usually centers around a real need in the community, where the actions of the students take on greater value and importance.
· Collaborative Efforts: the collaboration is not just between students and student and their teacher, but also extends to members of the community, parents, organizations and even students in other schools, providing the opportunity for students to work with people of different and diverse backgrounds.
· Reciprocity: during service learning, each member (student, teacher, community leaders, etc) are able to exchange information and ideas in a way that each member has the opportunity to both teach and learn.
· Civic Responsibility: service learning helps students to realize their roles in their community and how working towards these needs helps them understand the true concept of a democracy.
Kaye, C. B. (2004). The Complete Guide to Service Learning: proven, practical ways to engage students in civic responsibility, academic curriculum, and social action. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Press.
RR8: LIST ideas and resources you can use for your Service Learning and ITU (Task 11).
Our group will be using the theme of “Green Carlsbad” and my classes will be focusing on the restoration and conservation of the lagoons in Carlsbad. There are three lagoons in Carlsbad; Buena Vista Lagoon, Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and Batiquitos Lagoon. Each of these lagoons has their own foundation, which works to maintain and preserve the natural state of each of the lagoons. I will be focusing on the biological and geological aspects of the lagoon and its preservation. I plan to include some or all of the following ideas into my lessons:
· A field trip to one of the lagoons to visit the nature center and hike the trails around the lagoon. During this time, we will be paying particular attention to the different species of plants and animals that inhabit the lagoon and their interactions with each other. We would also examine some of the conditions that are threatening the lagoon and the plants and animals that live there.
· I would use the experts at each of the lagoons, having them speak to the class either at the field trip, in the classroom, or through technology like skype to talk to the students about the current conditions of the lagoons and what actions are needed to maintain or improve the conditions of the lagoons. This could be expanded to include any additional experts on some of the species who live there and are threatened or endangered.
· I would have my students perform community service hours at the lagoons. Each of the lagoon foundations has need for volunteers for a variety of roles to help in the preservation of the lagoons.
I’m sure as I investigate this further, I will find many other ways to use local resources to aid myself and my students in this project.
RR9: Begin your ethnographic research on your school site to complete your ethnography for EDSS 530 and to complete Task 3 for the ITU
We have each taken a role in completing Task 3 of our ITU. We will be working on our assignment together through Google docs. A link to our ITU document can be found here.
Note: we will be working on our five individuals as we get to know our new students. This information will be added to the document at a later date.
RR10: Revise your team's Task 2: ITU Cover Sheet. Make sure you use the ITU assignment template and ppt to guide your work.
We have been working on our cover sheet and sharing ideas and information through Google docs. A link to our current cover sheet can be found here.